In Power Apps Model Driven Apps, columns (also called fields) define the individual data items that can be used to store information in a table. You can use existing columns or create new ones to capture data that meet your requirements.
After you create a new column, you can include it on Forms and Views for the table so that they are available in your App.
The below diagram is a cheatsheet with all the standard column types including some of my favorite custom components from the PCF gallery that I personally used or tested on my projects.
Columns Cheatsheet

Custom Components

- Types of columns in Dataverse
- PCF Gallery
- Current Date Time PCF by Shabeer Sher
- React Select Lookup by Matias Contreras
- People Picker by Hanumant Patil
- Simple Notification, Liner slider with steps, Date as checkbox, Year as dropdown by Tanguy TOUZARD
- Lookup Dropdown by David Rivard
- Range Slider by Oleksandr Olashyn
- Progress Bar by Andrew Ly
- Colorful OptionSet Button by Aditya Dash
- Check Phone Number Control by Benedikt Bergmann