Elicit Dynamics 365 Requirements using Observation (Job Shadowing)

Introduction The Observation technique is one of the many techniques to elicit requirements. Also called “Shadowing User” it’s an interesting technique that will let you feel and experience how users work and interact with the various applications they use to perform their tasks. Below a snapshot of the key aspects covered in this article What …

Model your Dynamics 365 Solution (Part 3) – Conceptual Diagram

Introduction One of the diagrams that I use the most is the “Conceptual Diagram”. Which is a graphical representation of the building blocks or features that we are implementing using Dynamics 365. As consultants, one of the challenges we face is trying to understand the client requirements as quickly as possible. Reading requirement specification documents …

Dealing with ambiguous requirements

Introduction  One of the main challenges we encounter during Dynamics 365 implementations is ambiguous requirements. Often these come down to a communication issue. Ambiguity in requirements is common because people use words (and diagrams at best) to describe intangible wishes and desires. Those people have a specific context in their mind, which is driven by …

Model your Dynamics 365 Solution – Use Case Diagram (Part 2)

Introduction Using visual models when implementing Dynamics 365 helps to create a shared understanding of what are the key features of your solution. They can help you map out the requirements and how they relate to one another. In this article, I will focus on the Use Case Diagram, which is one of the diagrams …

Model your Dynamics 365 Solution – Overview (Part 1)

Introduction Building a dolls house can be done by one person. It involves a simple process, performed with basic tools such as nails, hammer, tape and can be done in a few hours without any external help. Your little daughter might want to give you a hand, but you see my point. If you want …