In Power Apps model-driven apps, users interact with data using Forms. It’s important that the forms people use are designed to allow them to find or enter the information they need efficiently.

When best to use this cheatsheet?
- To deliver a quick training on form components in Power Apps.
- To make sure you map requirements to out of the box features and not build something custom.
- A quick reminder of the out the box features when designing solutions.
Just thinking aloud here, you could also add some recommendations, eg. prefer configuration before custom code.
Like a Canvas App (or Custom Page) is preferred above a PCF (custom dev). Or re-use an existing PCF from PCF.Gallery.
An iframe or web resource is the least interesting due to old technologie and it’s loaded at the end of a form load (performance impact).
Hope this can help Dani!
Yep, great advice Philip, maybe I can sync with you at some point in the future to make sure the recommendations are aligned with what MS is planning??