Looks like we can now show Child Items in our views using the Power Apps grid control.

I couldn’t find any official documentation yet, and this feature is still in preview so test it properly before using it in your Production environments.
To confirgure it.

- Follow this documentation: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-apps/maker/model-driven-apps/the-power-apps-grid-control#add-the-power-apps-grid-control-to-views-for-an-entity
- You will see a new configuration line Child Items (preview): Select the Table that represents the child items you want to display in the view.
- Select the Child Items Parent Id: Which represent the lookup to your main table.
Hi Dani!
Thanks for this information. I tried it out and it worked, but only for relationshipt: N:1 and 1:N, I need to add a child grid as you explain in your blog, but using a relationship: N:N in this specific case it didn’t work, do you know if there is a way to achive this?
Hmmm… I am not aware of anything for N:N relationship. You can always create your datamodel using a “bridge” entity between the 2 tables. I very rarely use N:N because there are a lot of limitations.