Azure DevOps Boards – Prefill your User Stories with default values to drive consistency

In this post I am sharing a useful technique that I learned working with some clever Business Analysts, which involves pre-populating User Stories with default values.

With work item templates, you can quickly create work items that have pre-populated values for your team’s commonly used fields. For example, create a template that defines the area path, iteration path, and activity to use when creating a task.

Microsoft Learn – Azure DevOps Boards – Use templates to add and update work items in Azure Boards and Visual Studio

Prefill an Item

In the sample below, you can see how I can create a new User Story and prefill the “Description” and “Acceptance Criteria” fields with some pre-defined value to help the team being consistent when writing User Stories.

You can apply this techniques to pre-populate any other item in Azure DevOps boards like “Epics”, “Features”, or “Bugs”, etc.

Create a new Template

To create a new template, create a new User Story (or any other Item you want to capture a template for), and fill the fields with the values that you want capture in your template. Then:

  1. Click on the “3 dots” icon in the top left menu.
  2. Click on Templates
  3. Click on Capture…